CodeJam_Feb2020_watermark_blue (1).png


There you can attempt our Virtana Code Jam (Feb 2020) questions with similar constraints to our competition. We encourage you to attempt before viewing answers.

This is a great way to practice for future Code Jam competitions.

Round 1 - Q1 - Validate UTF-8 Character

UTF-8 is a character encoding that maps each symbol to one, two, three, or four bytes.

For example, the Euro sign, €, corresponds to the three bytes 11100010 10000010 10101100.

The rules for mapping characters are as follows: For a single-byte character, the first bit must be zero. For an n-byte character, the first byte starts with n ones and a zero. The other n - 1 bytes all start with 10. Visually, this can be represented as follows:

 Bytes   |           Byte format
   1     | 0xxxxxxx
   2     | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
   3     | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
   4     | 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

Problem Statement:

Write a program that takes in a list of integers representing byte values, and returns whether it is a valid UTF-8 encoding.

Input Format:

The first line of input represents the number of bytes, n, in the encoding. The second line represents the n byte values, separated by spaces.



Output Format:

A lowercase string; “true” if the list is a valid UTF-8 encoding, “false” otherwise.

Tags ?

Sample Input:

0 (the Euro sign) 3 226 130 172

+ Solution to Round 1 Question 1

Language: Python

twoESeven = 0b10000000
twoESix   = 0b01000000
twoEFive  = 0b00100000
twoEFour  = 0b00010000
twoEThree = 0b00001000

amt = int(input())
arr = [0]*amt
for i in range(amt):
    arr[i] = int(input())

def validUTF(arr):
    firstByte = arr[0]
    numBytes = 0

    if (firstByte&(twoESeven|twoESix) == twoESeven):
        return "false"
    elif (len(arr) == 1):
        return "true"


    while firstByte&twoESeven != 0:
        firstByte = firstByte<<1
        numBytes += 1
        if ((numBytes>=len(arr)) or 
            (arr[numBytes]&(twoESeven|twoESix) != twoESeven) or
            (numBytes >= 4)):
            return "false"

    if ((numBytes+1 != len(arr)) or 
        (numBytes == 0 and len(arr) > 1)):
        return "false"

    return "true"


Round 1 - Q2 - Clock Angles

Given a clock time in hh:mm format, determine (rounded up to the nearest degree), the smaller angle between the hour and the minute hands.

Bonus: When, during the course of a day, will the angle be zero?

+ Solution to Round 1 Question 2

Language: Python

import math

def get_angle(hour, minute):
    hour = 0 if hour == 12 else hour

    minute_degrees = minute*6
    hour_degrees = 0.5*(60*hour + minute)

    difference = math.ceil(abs(hour_degrees - minute_degrees))
    acute_angle = min(360 - difference, difference)

    return acute_angle

hour = float(input())
minute = float(input())

# for hour in range(1, 13):
#     for minute in range(0, 60):
#         print(f'{hour}:{minute} = {get_angle(hour, minute)}')

# print(f'{hour}:{minute} = {get_angle(hour, minute)}')

print(get_angle(hour, minute))

Round 2 - Q1 - Find the Nth row of Pascal’s Triangle

Pascal's Triangle is a triangular array on integers constructed with the following formula:

The 0th row consists of the number 1 .
For each subsequent row, each element is the sum of the numbers directly above it, on either side.
For example, here are the first few rows:

      1           Row 0
     1 1          Row 1
    1 2 1         Row 2
   1 3 3 1        Row 3
  1 4 6 4 1       Row 4

Given an unsigned input, k, return the kth row of Pascal's Triangle. You are not required to generate the full triangle.

Bonus: Can you do this using only O(k) space?
Example: k = 5 Output: [1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1]

+ Solution to Round 2 Question 1

Language C++

using namespace std;

//-------------------Recursive solution-------------------

//Helper function
vector<long long int> generateNextRow(vector<long long int> lastRow) {
    vector<long long int> nextRow;
    //first element
    //middle elements
    for (int i = 0; i < lastRow.size()-1; i++) {
        nextRow.push_back(lastRow[i] + lastRow[i + 1]);
    //last element

    return nextRow;

vector<long long int> PascalRowRec(int n) {
    vector<long long int> row;
    //base case
    if (n == 0) {
        return row;
    //recursive step
    return generateNextRow(PascalRowRec(n - 1));

//----------------Iterative solution----------------
vector<long long int> pascalRowIter(long long int n) {
    vector<long long int> generatedRow(n + 1, 0);
    //First element
    generatedRow[0] = 1;
    for (int row = 1; row <= n; row++) {
        for (int j = row; j > 0; j--) {
            generatedRow[j] = generatedRow[j] + generatedRow[j - 1];

    return generatedRow;

int main() {
    int rowIndex;
    cin >> rowIndex;
    vector<long long int> rowRec = PascalRowRec(rowIndex);
    vector<long long int> rowIter = pascalRowIter(rowIndex);
    for (int i = 0; i < rowRec.size(); i++)
        cout << rowRec[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < rowIter.size(); i++)
        cout << rowIter[i] << " ";
    return 0;

Round 3 - Q1 - Jumping Problem

Starting from 0 on a number line, you would like to make a series of jumps that lead to the integer N.

On the ith jump, you may move exactly i places to the left or right.

Find the fewest number of jumps required to get from 0 to N.

Bonus: Output the path taken.

+ Solution to Round 3 Question 1

Languauge: Python

n = int(input())

def sumTo(x):
    return ((x*(x+1))//2)

def jumping(n):
    n = abs(n)
    x = 0
    while (sumTo(x)<n or (sumTo(x)-n)&1==1):
        x += 1
